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Marriage Information

Where can a Marriage License be obtained?

To be married in New York State you must obtain your license in New York State. Licenses may be obtained from any town or city clerk in New York State. Both the bride and groom must be present to sign the application for a marriage license. A representative cannot apply for a license on behalf of the bride and groom.

Validity of License?

The license is good twenty four hours after issuance and is valid for sixty days.

Cost of License?

The Town of Queensbury fee for a license is $40.00

What is the age requirement?

Marriages of minors under eighteen years of age is prohibited. If either applicant is under 18 years of age, a marriage license cannot be issued.

What paper must be presented for marriage license?

Certified copies of birth certificates and photo ID’s.

If there have been previous marriages the applicant must provide all divorce decrees or certificate of dissolution.

Who cannot be married?

A marriage cannot take place in New York State between an ancestor or descendant, a brother and sister full or half blood, an uncle and niece or an aunt and nephew regardless of whether or not these person are legitimate or illegitimate offspring.

Where can a marriage take place and who can perform the marriage?

A license obtained in New York State can be used anywhere in New York State.

To be valid the marriage ceremony must be performed by any individuals specified in Section 11 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law which include: former mayor, city clerk or one of the deputy city clerks of a city of more than one million inhabitants, marriage officer appointed by town or village board, justice or judge of US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, the US District Courts for the Northern, Southern, Eastern or Western Districts of New York, the NYS Court of Appeals, the Appellate Division of the NYS Supreme Court, the NYS Supreme Court the Court of Claims, the Family Court, A Surrogates Court, the Civil and Criminals Courts of New York City and other courts of record, a village, town or county justice, a member of the clergy or minister who has officially ordained and granted authority to perform marriage ceremonies from a governing church, a member of the clergy or minister who is not authorized by a governing church body but who has been chosen by a spiritual group to preside over their spiritual affairs, other officiants as specified by Section 11 of the Domestic Relations Law.

You can apply for a New York Marriage License in Queensbury NY at the Town Clerk Office.