ReUse Shed
The Town of Queensbury Opens a ReUse Shed for Residents at the Ridge Road Transfer Station.
The Town of Queensbury was designated as a Clean Energy Community (CEC) by the New York Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) in 2018. Working through the CEC Leadership and 3.0 Program and successfully participating in four Community Campaigns among other high impact actions, match-free grant funding was awarded to the Town by NYSERDA. These grants are intended to be applied to projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The ReUse Shed was partially funded by achieving the goals of the CEC program.
The Town of Queensbury purchased a ReUse Shed which has been installed at the Ridge Road Transfer Station at 1396 Ridge Road. The Town’s CEC and Climate Smart Community (CSC) Committees have been planning this for many years, as ReUse is a very important component of the three R’s: Reduce, ReUse and Recycle. Several different locations were evaluated, and it was determined that co-locating ReUse at the same location as recycling, collecting organic waste (composting in the future) and trash disposal would be an asset and efficient, as well as an educational element of the need to reduce ‘waste’. Reusing household items, yard tools, small appliances and other various equipment reduces the need to continue to manufacture new items and eventually discard them, saving energy on both production and the inevitable trash disposal (in a landfill or by incineration, both with a cost to the environment). Residents’ donations are welcome at the ReUse Shed on Tues/Thurs/Sat when the Transfer Station is open for business. An Attendant will check you in. You are welcome to take home used items that you may need or want. Everything is free. Please note what will NOT BE accepted as a donation:
Town of Queensbury ReUse Facility Rules
Items must be CLEAN, in good WORKING order with NO SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE
The ReUse Facility WILL NOT accept:
- Chemicals, paints or stains
- Electronics
- Clothing
- Mattresses and Boxsprings
- Large chairs, recliners and sofas
- Lumber or Building Materials (including used carpet, glass panes and used tiles)
- Propane tanks
- Car Seats, Strollers and Cribs
- Large Appliances
- Medical devices
For any questions on the ReUse shed and its program, please contact the Town of Queensbury Transfer Station.