Queensbury Laboratory
Directions for Taking Bacteriological Samples
Currently accepting customers with a Public Water Supply (PWS) ID and samples using a Queensbury sample kit. No private samples accepted.
See NYS Certified Water Testing Laboratories for further information.
NYS Certification # 10565
(Samples not on ice will be processed, but a qualifying statement will be added to the results)
Laboratory Operator: James LaFoy @ 518-793-8866
Total Coliform is used as an indicator organism to indicate the contamination of drinking water. If Coliform is found in your drinking water, we recommend that you contact your local office of the New York State Health Department.
Laboratory Hours
- Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Closed major holidays.
Sample Fees
- Total Coliform: $30.00
- Combined Total Coliform & Plate Count: $40.00
- Sample Bottle Mailed: $15.00
Payment is due upon receipt of sample
Make checks payable to: Queensbury Water Department
Important Information
- Use only a Queensbury Laboratory sample bottle (or a bottle approved by the lab).
- Avoid leaking taps.
- The sample bottle contains a preservative (powder) that is supposed to be there. DO NOT RINSE THE BOTTLE.
- Handle the bottle as little as possible.
- Do not touch the mouth of the bottle or the cap and protect it from any/all contamination.
- Do not let the water being sampled flow over your hands.
- Total Coliform samples must be returned to the lab within 30 hours after collection.
- Heterotrophic Plate Counts must be returned to the lab within 6 hours after collection. Every effort should be made to get the sample to the lab as soon as possible after collection. Failure to return the sample promptly when requesting a plate count will result in a qualifying statement attached.
- Due to the required incubation time and confirming tests, the results will be mailed out in 3-5 days after receipt of the sample.
- Remove the aerator or strainer from the faucet and flame it with a match or lighter.
- Run the cold water to waste for 5-6 minutes.
- Adjust the flow to slow.
- Remove the plastic wrapping seal completely from the cap.
- Remove the cap from the container – DO NOT set the cap down or let anything touch it.
- Hold the sample bottle under the faucet and fill to the 100 ml. line – DO NOT OVERFLOW.
- Replace the cap and screw on tightly .
- Keep the sample bottle on ice (not the cardboard canister) until received by the lab. DO NOT FREEZE.
For more information see our Water Treatment Frequently Asked Questions page.